Visakha Society for Protection and Care of Animals
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June 30th 2006 - Our 10th Anniversary Year!

This is an anniversary year for VSPCA - 10 years! And it could not have happened without all of you. We are eternally grateful to everyone who has helped us in so many different ways.

Cows eating cake

Birthday celebrants enjoying the special cake.

Birthday cake

Birthday cake: made of of hay, tomatoes, beans, carrots, special feed, jaggery (a type of unrefined sugar - dark and rich in vitamins and minerals), green grass.

Workers getting gifts

All of the workers received a special meal (wrapped as a gift as it is done in the fancy hotels)

All of us at VSPCA

All of us together.

All adding together to make the below differences to our completely distressed region for the animals which is now vastly improving through your kind help.

Here is how we celebrated on 30th of June, all of the time with thanks to you all in mind.

Summing up the last ten years we have:

All this was possible with fierce determination, ruthless commitments, vigor and focused attention.

Despite serious hindrances and with every disaster VSPCA has done all this for the betterment of the animals.

With all of the above positive achievements we hesitate to mention but we must also tell you honestly of the current hardships and challenges.

Conveying our most sincere gratitude and affectionate concern for all our friends worldwide,
Pradeep Nath and all at VSPCA